Slot Receivers


A slot is a narrow opening, especially one that is used for insertion of a coin or token into a machine to initiate a game. The term is also used to refer to a position within a series or sequence of events, or to a time period when something may take place. For example, a visitor can book a slot at the museum to see an exhibit, or someone may have a scheduled appointment for four o’clock.

A slot is also a type of computer expansion port. A PCI, ISA, or AGP slot is an opening in the motherboard that supports an additional card. These slots can be used for memory or other devices, and are located in the same area where the CPU and other essential components are housed.

In football, a slot receiver is a wide receiver who lines up in the middle of the field. Unlike the outside receivers, who line up on the edge of the field, the slot receiver positions himself pre-snap between the last player on the line of scrimmage (usually either the tight end or offensive tackle) and the first player off the line of scrimmage. The slot receiver’s primary role is to receive passes from the quarterback, but he will also block for running backs on certain plays such as sweeps and slants.

Because of their location on the field, slot receivers have to be quick in order to avoid being hit by defenders. They must also be able to run routes that coordinate with the other wide receivers in an effort to confuse defensive coverage. In addition to their receiving skills, slot receivers are important blockers on running plays, and they often act as safety valves by grabbing blitzing linebackers and secondary players.

Lastly, slot receivers must have good hands and be precise with their routes and timing. The late Al Davis, head coach of the Oakland Raiders from 1969 to 1978, pioneered the use of the slot receiver position, and many teams today utilize it as a way to attack defenses from different angles.

Another key trait of a slot receiver is speed, as they must be able to outrun defenders in order to make receptions. In addition, they must be able to adjust their routes quickly in an attempt to avoid being jammed by linebackers and cornerbacks.

When playing a slot, it’s important to test the payout percentage of each machine before you spend money. Start by putting in a few dollars and seeing how much you get back. If you’re breaking even or more, then that machine is likely a winner. If not, then it’s time to move on.